For the last couple of years, I’ve read about Chris Brogan’s “My 3 Words” exercise. The idea is to come up with just three words that frame your goals and intentions for the coming year. This year I’ve decided to take the leap and publish my three words for 2015. So without further ado, here they are:
Hopefully, it’s clear from this blog that I’m passionate about marketing but I’m also an aspiring writer who is struggling to finish my first novel and a photographer who has taken portraits and weddings professionally. However, I haven’t been taking photos much recently other than snapshots and I got the bug over the holidays to start taking more photographs again. I launched a site a few years back for my landscape photography which I want to relaunch and add to plus I want to start taking portraits again, especially of my 3 year old son. I’m afraid I’ll need to learn some stuff over again but there’s fun in that too.
I’ve been on Twitter for almost 6 years plus LinkedIn and Facebook even longer. I also joined Google+ early on. But, I’ve definitely let my participation in these social media outlets lapse. I’ve also tended to keep my personal accounts separate from corporate ones in the past. I definitely see the value of social media for marketing and communications and want to be part of a larger community. The issue for me with social media has always been that it needs a dedicated effort to be successful. This year I want to be more social and participate in at least two of the many social media sites out there with the plan right now to focus on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Last year I launched this site to combine my personal website with my blog, Dude, It’s Marketing. At the time, my goal was to create a blog post at least once a week which mostly happened. However, I had also planned to add other content, finish the home page and start a newsletter. In 2015 these need to happen plus I want to grow the readership of this blog but I also want to grow in my marketing career and experience by trying new things and learning from others.
Obviously these 3 goals are ambitious, especially in terms of the time needed to do them well, but then again that’s the point isn’t it? If the goals are too easy to reach then why set them?
Join me in doing your own 3 Words exercise and help it shape your 2015. Please also connect with me so you can see how I progress on the ones outlined above by following me on Twitter, connecting on LinkedIn or signing up for the newsletter.
Thanks Brendan for sharing your 3 words exercise, you have inspired me to develop my own for 2015! Good luck on your 3 goals for 2015!
Good luck finding your 3 words. It puts some clarity on what you should do in 2015. All the best!