For the last couple of years, I've read about Chris Brogan's "My 3 Words" exercise. The idea is to come up with just three words that frame your goals and intentions for the coming year. This year …
Top 5 Tips for Your 2015 Marketing Plan
It's that time of year again when many are frantically looking for the perfect gift while others are developing their marketing plan for next year. If you haven't begun yet, then you better get …
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Six Ways to Fix Customer Service and Your Brand
Last week, I recounted a recent experience and @searsca #fail. But instead of it just being a rant about poor customer service, I wanted to make it a case study to show how treating your customers …
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Why is Customer Service Sooooo Bad?
It's time for another rant but also a case study. This time I wanted to share a recent experience around the worst customer experience I've ever had and how it impacts the company. Next post, I'll …
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How to Get Found: The New Ways
In part one of this series, I talked about some of the "traditional" ways to get found. The reason I highlighted them first is because many organizations now ignore them completely in favour of some …
How to Get Found: Some “Traditional” Approaches
It's clear that getting found is critical to your demand generation efforts so whether you do it through brand awareness or lead generation, you clearly need to deploy the right tactics to get found …
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